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Gestión de las empresas marítimas y pesquerasInformation
Observing and modelling oceanic systemsInformation
Observing and modelling oceanic systemsInformation
Effects of Global Change in Biogeochemical CyclesInformation
Seminar on Scientific WritingInformation
Remote sensing principles. Applications to the monitoring of oceans and coastsInformation
Seguimiento y monitorización del estado sanitario en acuicultura y poblaciones naturalesInformation
Introducción al modelado matemáticoInformation
Earth’s climate and its past, present, and future changesInformation
Cryobiology and Thermal Ecology 2021Information
Seminar on Scientific Writing 2021Information
Observing and modelling oceanic systemsInformation
Eficiencia Energética y Energías Renovables en el Sector Marítimo 2021Information
New trends in aquaculture research 2021Information
Crafting good communication skills: talks and posters 2021Information
Global Governacce of the Oceans 2021Information
Role of global change in alteration of biogeochemical cyclesInformation
Seminar on Scientific Writing 2020Information
New trends in seafood processing and conservationInformation